My Drem I want to be a
I like children ,and I think it is a very interestingjob.If
My Drem I want to be a
I like children ,and I think it is a very interestingjob.If
I can become a teacher ,I will work hard ,try my best to help with children's subjects.Also, play with them is a wonderful thing,isn't it?翻译:我想成为一名教师。因为我热爱孩子们,而且我认为这是一件很有趣的工作。如果我成为了教师,我将会努力工作,尽可能地帮助孩子们的功课。而且,跟他们一起玩游戏也是件极好的事,不是么?到此,以上就是小编对于简***规划英文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于简***规划英文的2点解答对大家有用。